咖喱土豆&Curry potato

來源:美味食譜館 2.5W
咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖

老婆最近胃口不好,是時候學習新菜改善一下伙食了&Since my wife has been having a poor appetite recently, it's time for me to study new cuisines,hopefully improving the meals


土豆&potatoes 2個
咖喱塊&curry 0.5塊

咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法  

  1. 用傳說中的滾刀法將土豆切成塊狀&cut the potatoes into chunks using the legendary "rolling-cutting" method

    咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 將土豆放在大號小豬碗中用清水浸泡5分鐘&soak the potatoes in the water for 5 mins

    咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 熱鍋冷油,將土豆塊翻炒3分鐘&put the cold oil into the hot pot, cook the potatoes for about 3 mins using the heated oil

    咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 鍋中加水,將土豆燉至斷生&add water into the pot, braise the potatoes until cooked

    咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖 第5張
  5. 加入適量咖喱,翻炒三分鐘出鍋&add proper amout of curry, cook 3 more mins

    咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖 第6張
  6. 大工告成! & done!

    咖喱土豆&Curry potato的做法步驟圖 第7張