Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋

来源:美味食谱馆 2.5W
Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋的做法步骤图



Hollandaise sauce
黃油 butte 200g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 3 ea
檸檬Lemon 2 ea
盐Sal 5g
甜椒粉Paprika 1 g ( optional )
胡椒 Pepper 2g
egg Benedict
全蛋 egg 2ea
酪梨 Avocado 1 ea
香菇 Mushroom 100 g ( optional )
吐司或麵包Bread 2 slice
生菜 lettuce optional
Poach egg
白醋Vinegar 250ml
水 Tap Water

Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋的做法  

  1. 1. 準備一鍋水 加入約250 ml 的白醋煮到滾。 Prepare a pot of water and add vinegar in let it bring to boil.

    Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 2. 將200 克的黃油放入一個鍋內 讓它融化至simmer. 再將三顆蛋的蛋白和蛋黃分開,將兩顆檸檬的汁擠出。 再將三個蛋黃和幾擠好的檸檬汁放入果汁機 將其打勻, 讓果汁機繼續運轉把蓋子上的小蓋子打開慢慢的加入融化好的黃油攪至均. 再放入盐和胡椒調味. 醬汁就完成了。                              Put the 200g butter into a pot and let it melt and bring to simmer. Seperate the egg white and egg yolks. Squeeze out the lemon juice (2 ea lemon ). Blend the 3 egg yolk and lemon juice and while the blender is on, slowly add melted butter into the blender. Then when finished add salt 5 g and pepper 2 g and paprika in and blend it again. Then the hollandaise sauce is finished.

    Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 3. 將酪梨切,烤吐司/麵包。 將兩顆蛋打入已滾好的水中煮熟 ( 可在炒個香菇) Slice the avocado, toast the bread, using the boil water to poach 2 whole eggs. ( pan fry sliced mushroom with oil and season : optional )

    Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 4. When everything is cooked put avocado, mushroom, and egg on the top of the toast then add the hollandaise sauce on the top then finished. ( if you like, you can also add some salad on the side or on the toast) 当所有的东西都准备好, 把切好的牛油果、香菇去、班尼迪克蛋 放在吐司片上, 最后淋上做好的酱,即可。(如果喜欢的话,也可放一些沙拉菜)

    Egg Benedict班尼迪克蛋的做法步骤图 第5张



- when added melted butter into the egg yolk and lemon juice mix MUST BE SLOW adding it in
