Oyster blade steak戈登拉姆齊

來源:美味食譜館 1.98W
Oyster blade steak戈登拉姆齊的做法步驟圖

Oyster blade served with mushrooms and potatoes! Super easy way to cook your steak within few minutes! This recipe is mainly from Gordon Ramsay's although he didn't use the same type of beef but it turns out just freaking delicious! The trick here is to remember seansoning first, hot pan with olive oil and then butter and thyme. Let the pan do her work and let your steak rest for at least 5min. Hope you guys enjoy!


oyster blade steak 2份
蘑菇 6-8個
土豆(小) 4-6個
百里香 3-4枝
辣椒 適量
迷迭香 2根
dejon mustard 1-2勺

Oyster blade steak戈登拉姆齊的做法  

  1. Season: 牛排從冰箱(非雪藏)取出解凍至室溫至少30min, 兩面撒上鹽和黑椒碎,我用的是pink salt

  2. Hot pan: 熱鍋倒入橄欖油,待稍微冒煙後放入牛排,各面1min,包括側面也要煎

  3. 放入黃油,化開後放入拍好的蒜瓣、百里香、辣椒,傾側平底鍋,用勺子不斷舀鍋裡的黃油澆在牛排上,翻面4-6次,

  4. 取出牛排,靜置,開始烹飪蘑菇

  5. 烹飪蘑菇: 同一個鍋內匯入橄欖油,倒入蘑菇翻炒,放入些許蒜末(有parsley也可以加),倒入奶油和dejon mustard。

    Oyster blade steak戈登拉姆齊的做法步驟圖 第2張
  6. 烹飪土豆:先沸水煮熟後對半切開。鍋內橄欖油,土豆刀口朝下入鍋,加入鹽和黃油,至金黃色後翻面,不斷澆鍋內的黃油,放迷迭香,滿意了就出鍋。

  7. Beautiful pinky color!

    Oyster blade steak戈登拉姆齊的做法步驟圖 第3張


Remember to let the steak rest so don't overcook it
