日式豆腐丸子· 白玉善哉

來源:美味食譜館 1.87W
日式豆腐丸子· 白玉善哉的做法圖解 做法步驟

滿口的豆香 暖到心裏的愛


大紅豆 Red Beans 30g
黑豆 Black Beans 20g
冰糖 Rock Sugar 10-20g
葛根粉 Pueraria Starch 5g
海鹽 Sea Salt 2g
絹豆腐 Silken Tofu 50g
水磨糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour 50g

日式豆腐丸子· 白玉善哉的做法  

  1. 清洗黑豆後,提前12小時泡發
    Rinse the black beans and soak for 12 hours before cooking

  2. 紅黑豆冷水下鍋煮沸後將水過濾掉,用冷水沖洗降温
    Bring the black and red beans to boil from in cold water, rinse them after water starts to boil and cool the bean in cold water

  3. 重新豆子倒入鍋中後加入豆子重量5-6倍的水,大火煮開後將表面的泡沫去掉
    Boil the beans again over high heat with water 5-6 times the beans original weight, remove all the foam floating once it starts boiling again

  4. 小火煮到豆子可以輕易碾碎(大約2小時)
    Cook over low heat until the beans can be easily crushed (~ 2 hours)

  5. 加入冰糖和海鹽微微攪拌(海鹽可以增加甜味的厚度,不會變鹹哦)
    Add the sugar and sea salt, and stir ( salt would contribute to enhancing the bean’s flavours)

  6. 用水把葛根粉調開,慢慢倒入鍋中攪拌至出現濃稠感後關火
    Dissolve the starch in a little water and pour into the pan slowly while stirring. Stir until the liquid starts to thicken and turn off the heat

  7. 將搗碎的豆腐加入糯米粉後攪拌均勻,分成適當的大小後搓成丸子
    Crush the tofu and mix well with the glutinous rice flour to form a dough, then divide the dough into small pieces to make rice balls

  8. 將丸子放入沸水中煮熟,撈起在冰水中冷卻
    Cook the rice balls in boiling water until they float and cool them in icy water

  9. 將豆腐丸子放入紅豆湯中即完成
    Put rice balls in the soup to serve

    日式豆腐丸子· 白玉善哉的做法圖解 做法步驟 第2張


Can just use red beans, that would save time preparing beforehand

Can use 90% the weight of the glutinous rice flour instead of tofu, though it would not be as good
