
來源:美味食譜館 6.5K

You can absolutely make the dressing yourself ❕

I used buckwheat flour just by mistake, you don’t need to follow that 🤦🏼‍♀️. Though it improves your colon health, Chinese belief hahhh. Plain flour or High protein flour would work well.

And, get some tissues for sweaty forehead.

Hey guys, recipe is ready for you now.
Looking forward to the pictures of your golden buns and silver buns with condensed milk.
Also named Jīn yín xiǎo mán tou 金銀小饅頭.


牛奶milk(做煉乳for dressing) 500g
糖sugar 90g
麪粉flour 250g
牛奶milk (做饅頭for buns) 100g
乾酵母(dry yeast) 2g


  1. 500g 牛奶➕90g 糖做出了小半碗的煉乳,大概有150g
    I made nearly 150g condensed milk from 500g whole milk and 90g sugar.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 然後倒進鍋裏,大火煮沸轉中火🔥,不停地攪拌至粘稠,真的就這麼簡單… 沒有啥技術性,用大臂帶動小臂攪拌,治療肩周炎。Whisk together milk and sugar in a saucepan or a wok over medium-low heat. Whisking often, bring to a low simmer. Continue to simmer, whisking often, until milk has reduced by 2/3, about 20 minutes.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 做好的煉乳過篩可以更細滑
    Pour the paste through a fine-mesh sieve to remove all of the solids, and you'll get smooth condensed milk.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 然後你就非常輕鬆愉快地get了自制煉乳,跟雀巢牙膏管沒啥區別
    Allow to cool completely and store in a mason jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第5張
  5. 接下來是做饅頭的部分,我稱了250g 來和麪(大概可以做20個小饅頭)後面還用了一些乾粉
    You can make about 20 little buns with 250g flour.
    Reserve two tablespoons of the flour as this will be used later to prevent the buns from sticking to the counter when you roll them out.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第6張
  6. 2g酵母加入温熱的牛奶(30-40度)化開,我用的乾酵母,可以加一小勺鹽和糖。

    There are two types of yeast usually used to make steamed buns: instant yeast and dry yeast. If you are using dry yeast, activate them by placing them in warm water (30-40 degree C) before mixing with the dough. I used milk to improve the flavor. And if you only have instant yeast, don’t sprinkle it with any salt or sugar.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第7張
  7. 倒進麪粉裏攪成絮狀然後開始揉麪,還可以加一點糖幫助起筋。就是在這裏我覺得顏色不太對!!!才發現我們那5kg 的麪粉全是蕎麥麪粉🤦🏼‍♀️沒事,將計就計吧hhhh
    Mix the liquid and flour, stir it with chopsticks, hahhhh. And knead the mixture for 10 minutes.
    Sugar is optional. You can barely taste sweetness in the well-steamed buns but sugar helps to form better gluten.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第8張
  8. 多揉一段時間充分起筋,然後用保鮮膜封碗口,放在相對温暖的地方發酵
    Then cover it with a damp cloth or cling wrap and leave in a warm place to ferment.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第9張
  9. 我大概發了2個小時,撕開保鮮膜裏面完全是蜂窩狀。接着開始繼續揉麪排氣,這一次真的要充分揉!
    2 hours later, remove the cloth. Check your dough, it’s honeycomb-like inside. In order to get a smooth Mantou, the dough should be well kneaded then. It’s really sweaty workout.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第10張
  10. 中途切開檢查一下,如果還有這樣的大氣泡,就要接着揉… 至少要揉400+次
    Forcefully re-knead the dough and punch the air out. After the second kneading, there should be no large bubbles in cross section of your dough. Keep dusting your operation board during the second kneading stage, it not only helps to avoid sticky dough but also fill up any small holes brought by the first proofing.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第11張
  11. 直到切開面上沒有太大的氣泡,就可以搓成粗條切開了。
    It’s well kneaded now. Roll it into a long log, 1.5-inch-diameter.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第12張
  12. 切開,整理一下四個角角讓它更饅頭一點,放在案板上二次發酵30分鐘
    Cut it into pieces and rest them on the counter for another 30min.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第13張
  13. 鍋鍋底刷油,把小饅頭們擺上去,要有一定的間距。先不開火再餳10分鐘,然後大火🔥開始蒸,10分鐘之後,關火再5分鐘,出鍋。
    Place the buns into a lined steamer or a slightly oiled plate. Add cold water to your wok or steel steamer. Cover the lid and rest for 10 minutes in summer and around 20 minutes in winter until the bun becomes fluffy again. 
    Use high fire firstly and then lower the fire after you see the vapor coming out from the lid. Steam them for 10min, then turn off the fire and wait for around 5 minutes before serving.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第14張
  14. 然後你就有了兩盤小饅頭!
    Cute and delicious!

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第15張
  15. 起鍋燒油開中火🔥,拿幾個小饅頭丟進去不停翻滾。
    Heat up enough oil in a wok until medium hot; add the buns in to fry them. During the process, the buns will keep floating on the surface. Press them down to soak them in the oil for evenly deep-frying.

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第16張
  16. 均勻地炸成金黃色。
    They're golden brown and ready for enjoying now!

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第17張
  17. 就有兩盤金銀小饅頭啦!

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第18張
  18. 蘸一點自己做的煉乳,快樂似神仙~

    自制煉乳版-金銀小饅頭的做法步驟圖 第19張