
來源:美味食譜館 3.12W



牛腩900克 Brisket 2 Lb
白蘿蔔2根 White Radish 2 piece
八角1.5個 Star anise 1.5 pieces
冰糖10克 Rock candy 10g
姜3片 3 slices
柱侯醬2大勺 Chu hou paste 2 tablespoon
蔥粒少許 Scallions a little


  1. 牛腩洗乾淨,切大塊,然後放進沸水中汆水撈出瀝乾。
    Rinse the brisket well, cut into big pieces. Scald and drain.

  2. 牛腩,薑片,八角,冰糖放進鍋中,加水至高處牛腩2個指節,蓋上鍋蓋大火煮沸轉中小火燜2.5小時。
    Put brisket, ginger, star anise and rock candy in pot, add water more than brisket a half, have it covered, high heat bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the beef is tender(about 2.5 hours).

  3. 加入兩大勺柱侯醬拌勻(我用的李錦記的柱侯醬,勺子是喝湯那種瓷勺),然後關火就這樣醃一個晚上,這是好吃的關鍵。
    Add 2 tablespoon chu hou paste, mix well, now we can turn off the heat, leave it for a whole night(it is the key for good taste).

    零失敗•蘿蔔燜牛腩的做法步驟圖 第2張
  4. 第二天早上把牛腩煮沸,白蘿蔔拿出來削皮,切滾刀塊放進牛腩中,中小火燜20分鐘就可以啦。出鍋撒蔥花~又軟又糯,牛腩汁拌飯簡直將寒意一掃而光!
    Tomorrow morning we heat the brisket boiling, put peeled and chopped white radish in, cook for 20 mins. Finish.
    Next add scallions, enjoy.
